Monday, November 16, 2015

2017 SEA Games Logo, Theme and Mascot Unveiled

Logo and Theme 

The theme of the Games is "Rising Together", signifying the coming of age for Southeast Asia as a community. The region has come a long way in making its mark on the global stage and this is a time for us to come together to write the next chapter in our collective journey of peace, progress, and prosperity. With Kuala Lumpur 2017 being the first SEA Games after the formation of the ASEAN Community, sports will play a big role in bringing all the citizens of Southeast Asia together in celebrating our achievements and commitment towards sportsmanship, as well as uplifting and inspiring the entire region.
The logo is based on the famous Malaysian symbol which is the Wau Bulan, a type of moon-kite synonymous with the east coast states of the country. Graceful, beautiful, powerful and rising high above, the Wau establishes itself as something that could uniquely represent the transcendent power of sports. The system of a combination of stripes and shards of colour is collated from the flags of all Southeast Asian countries to create the Kuala Lumpur 2017 identity.

To personify and embody the spirit of the Games, there needs to be a mascot which is memorable and eye-catching. For Kuala Lumpur 2017, our mascot is a graceful and powerful Malayan Tiger. He is gracious, friendly, competitive and athletic. Most importantly, he is a true athlete.
His name is RIMAU.
Which stands for Respect ,Integrity, Move, Attitude & Unity.

Respect your opponents , the officials and the fans. Uphold the virtues of the games.
Honesty in respecting the code of ethics of the games and the values that embodies it.

Faster , higher , stronger. Push the limit and break new barriers.
Positivity, sportsmanship and friendship. Compete to win but win with honor.
Come together as one celebrating the true spirit of the games. 